Warm it Forward
January 2025
Once again Zonta Club of Bradford is proud to partner with the First Presbyterian Church in Bradford and assist with Warm it Forward. Warm it Forward Mckean has been ongoing for over a decade. It is overseen by the McKean County Housing Coalition, a subcommittee of the county’s collaborative board.
Clothes lines can be found all over town filled with warm clothing items free for the taking for those who are in need. Every day this month you will find a Zontian filling the clothes line front of the Presbyterian Church. Members of the church collected the items and Zontians bagged items to prepare them for distribution. We are happy to spread a little warmth this month
December 12, 2024
A special shout out to this group of Zontians! Last night not only did they present Destinations-Bradford with a donation from the Zonta Club but they also gathered to kick off the start of our Operation Warm It Forward Season! Warm It Forward is a national campaign that helps provide warm clothing, such as hats mittens and scarves, to people of all ages during the month of January.
Our club partners with First Presbyterian Church each year. The church collects donations through out the year, provides a clothes line out front of the church, tags that go in each bag and some supplies. Zontians provide supplies, baggers, and for a month in January you will find one of us hanging items on the clothes line.
Last night this group of women along with Shelley Harvey and Katie Caruso bagged 455 items that will be used for this project!!! Thank you to Zontian Sandra Green who coordinated volunteers and will assist with signs for the month of January! The kindness in this town always overwhelms us and always reminds us there are always helpers if we look! Thank you also to Jerry Harvey for being the contact person for the church
Festival of Trees - ELF Fund
November 20, 2024
The Era’s Less Fortunate (ELF) Fund, which assists local residents year-round, but perhaps most famously provides Christmas gifts for families and seniors in need, has just the thing. The 23rd Annual Festival of Trees Auction, the ELF Fund’s largest fundraiser was held on Thursday at the Bradford Club.
The Zonta Club Bradford tree was decorated with $800 in gift certificates, cash and lotto tickets! Thanks to Andrea Root and Crystal Salada for leading the way in this project that will spread Christmas cheer to so many and to all our members who donated to make this tree so magical!
Special Event
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
The Zonta Club of Bradford hosted a special event that featured our new Area Director, Rosie Papalia along with Cheryl Grey, for a program on the 2024 Zonta International Convention held in Brisbane, Australia.
Their presentation spoke about all the new and exciting things that were accomplished at this convention. Rosie also shared beautiful photos of her travels and the many Zontians that she had the privilege to meet
The Olean and Warren Zonta Clubs were also invited to join us for this special evening.
The meeting was held at the First Presbyterian Church, 54 E Corydon Street, at 6pm,